Following the principles of lawfulness, loyalty and transparency, we provide you with this privacy policy.
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Tax Registration Number: RO15298615, J08/503/2003.
Social Address: Str. FORJEI NR. 4, BL 26, AP 2.
Phone: +40 0268 259 520
For what purpose do we treat your personal data?
S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. treats the information you provide us to manage the contractual relationship that binds us and manage the provision of the services you request.
How long will we keep your personal data?
Your data will be retained the minimum necessary time for the proper provision of the service offered, as well as to fulfill the responsibilities that may arise from it and any other legal requirements.
What is the legitimation for the treatment of your data?
The legal basis for the treatment of your personal data may be the execution of a contractual relationship potential and/or subscribed, the legitimate interest, the legal authorization and/or the consent of the person concerned. The data we request is adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary and in no case you are obliged to provide it, but its non-communication may affect the purpose of the service or the possibility to provide it
Which recipients will your data be communicated to?
S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. will not communicate your data to any third party, unless it is expressly informed about it.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
The data protection rights you own are:
• Right to request access to personal data relating to the person concerned
• Right of rectification or suppression
• Right of opposition
• Right to request limiting your treatment
• Right to the portability of the data
The owners of the personal data obtained, may exercise their rights of protection of personal data by directing a written communication to the registered office of S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. or to the electronic mail enabled to that effect,
Can I withdraw my consent?
You have the right to withdraw consent for any specific purpose granted at that time, without affecting the legality of treatment on the basis of consent prior to its withdrawal.
Where can I claim in case I consider that my data is not handled correctly?
If any interested party considers that its data is not treated correctly by S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. can direct their claims to the mail or to the data protection authority that corresponds, being ANSPDCP indicated on the national territory,
In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. has adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data supplied. All this to avoid its alteration, loss, and/or treatments or unauthorized access, as required by the regulations, although the absolute security does not exist.
It is important, so that we can keep your personal data up to date, to inform us whenever there is a modification.
S.C. BUSINESS INFOCONS S.R.L. informs you that your data will be treated with the utmost zeal and confidentiality by all the personnel who intervene in any of the phases of the treatment. We will not give or communicate to any third party your data, except in the cases legally envisaged, or unless the interested party had expressly authorized us.